Posted by ewquilts on March 20, 2012 in Inspiration |

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  1. Beatriz
    March 22, 2012

    I was introduced to your work at Pinterest this morning and posted about it on my little blog right away ([email protected]). Of course I am one more to say you do an extraordinary job. Came to visit your blog and see you and your brother are attracted by Rio de Janeiro, my home town. As a Brazilian I thank you for having mentioned it on your blog and posted the video. Congratulations on your beautiful work of art. Visit me at Pinterest ( to see a few pictures of Rio de Janeiro. Come down soon.
    Take care,

  2. E. Wolfmeyer Quilts
    March 24, 2012

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. E. Wolfmeyer Quilts
    March 24, 2012

    Thank you! How lovely and awe-inspiring that we can be connected…